Thursday, October 1, 2009

O how to describe the indescribable?

Love. Love is something that nowadays is so misunderstood, so underestimated, so taken for granted and so lost in meaning and substance. It is something that has become so far from its actual true meaning and is used in such wrong ways so as to practically mean nothing at all.

When did love ever become synonymous with sex? When did love become a word thrown around as easily as hate and anger? When did love become an excuse for out of wedlock children and domestic violence? When did love become a never ending game of “how many times can I do it before someone gets pregnant or catch an STD?”

Sadly, these times have brought with them disgusting things that have led to such an acceptance of everything morally wrong and unjust. One trip to and from work here in New York City will show you the epidemic levels of teenage mothers and fathers. One trip through subway platforms will show you a countless number of teens all over each other, lying to each other about loving each other, while one week from now, they’ll both be doing the same to someone else on two different platforms in order to hide from each other so as to not be forced to tell the truth.

The very definition of love in this society is so lost that it makes you wonder and may drive some to even dream of what true love could really mean. I had just a similar thought recently as I thought and reminisced within myself about what the meaning of love really is. I thought of those things as I thought about the two people in my life that I must say I am in love with. YES, I'm in love with 2 people. With both, ever so deeply am I in love and in fact find that without one, I could not have the other!

Who are the two people I'm in love with? Well, anyone who knows me well enough knows pretty darn well, but to those who don’t, I will tell you, but only after describing how both of them, if put together characteristically, define the meaning of true love. In no particular order: Loving, caring, redeeming, forgiving, sensitive, strong, understanding, patient, kind, motivating, true, correcting, stern, careful, open hearted, consoling, affectionate, tender, considerate, receptive and on and on I could go.

Who are these two people for whom my heart beats, my blood flows and my very being jumps of excitement to be within arms reach of? First and foremost is my savior, my redeemer, my Lord and my best friend, God. To him I can’t help but thank for the second, because if it were not for him, I would have never met the other. That other person for whom my heart jumps and skips beats for like a little kid on a massive sugar rush is non other than my beloved other half and also best of best friend Kayla. She’s my lil butterfly and I simply MUST thank God for her. God allowed me to meet her and in the time we’ve known each other, unlike anyone else, has even changed the way I look at certain things in life.

How has true love changed me? True love makes you think before doing something that may hurt the one you love. It makes you look at all the wrong around you and makes you think about how lucky you are to have that love. True love makes you easily see how time is mere fiction, simply making you want to pause time so that when you’re together it may last forever. When your apart, true love makes you think of nothing else but wanting to be with that person and in fact makes you crave to be with them.

So now, to finish up, I simply ask a few questions… Christ gave up his LIFE because of his love for you. What will YOU give up for him? Do you crave being in Gods presence? Do you still feel that love, that life changing love that you felt when you first met Christ? Do you think about how important God is to you before doing something that will hurt God’s heart?

Some won’t be able to come up with a true answer, so I don’t expect answers, but if you DO, then comment below…

Be blessed…..

-Eli W

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