Lots of people seem to get annoyed and bothered while others enjoy a good laugh when I go all “anti apple” and “anti Ipod”. Truth is, I AM anti apple and anti Ipod. The debate of why I'm anti apple does go deeper than JUST that company and its products. It’s a general ideology that involves a whole lot than just a crappy MP3 player or an overpriced line of computers.
In the society we live in, we are constantly hammered and badgered by ideas of individuality and uniqueness. These ideas stem from political views to religious views and even as far as what people wear. The thought and idea that everyone can be who they are and can live how they want, are a fundamental ideology that is and has been pushed very hard into mainstream media, fashion and even religious views.
Here is where the problem lies. All these ideas being pushed forward by society have simply led not to individuality, but conformism. For example, let’s take a look at one of the major “fashion” and personal electronics fads, the Ipod. The Ipod is a portable media device. They can play music of varying formats, videos, pictures and on some models, can even surf the web. It however wasn’t the first MP3 player, and it is very far from being the best.
I don’t have an idea of how many MP3 players are on the market, but I know that the one that has the most market grab is the Ipod. The Ipod is of such prevalence, that it has become synonymous with the MP3 player. Here are the facts however. The Ipod is an MP3 player of significantly low specs. Its one of the worst sounding MP3 players on the market, only recently intergraded FM radio, has forever been tied down by such things as digital rights management of tracks bought by the user, has a history of significant battery issues and doesn’t even have the customizability of most MP3 players.
What the Ipod HAS had is a large amount of advertising by its parent company. Its commercials are attention grabbing and seem to always point out every single benefit of owning one, except for the fact that all the reasons to buy one, have nothing to do with it actually being a good MP3 player. In fact, the standard Ipod headphones are one of the worst sounding on the market. In most tech circles, it’s a known fact that if you still use the regular, white apple ear buds, you are at a massive loss because they truly are the worst ear buds to come with a high cost device. I’ll give an example. My Creative Zen X-Fi MP3 player came with a pair of sound isolating $40 ear buds. A pair of ear buds that would be able to give the listening a true feeling of the enhanced sound capabilities that player has. People however STILL buy Ipods, even though in reality, they aren’t worth half of what they cost! In fact, as a final blow to the Ipod, they recently showed off the new Ipod shuffle, a little player whose buttons are on the headphones. Apple charges $79 for it when it ONLY costs apple $23 to manufacture!
It’s a logical process and idea that companies tend to go for getting as much money from consumers as possible as apposed to consumer loyalty, and so I'm not surprised to see that apple has not a single care for any of its customers. In an interview once done with Steve Jobs, the co founder and CEO of Apple, when asked about why Apple comes out with a new Ipod line every few months, his response was “if people want the current technology, then they just have to spend money and buy the newest we offer”. Sadly, for someone who has been an innovator and a pioneer in technology and computing, Steve Jobs has shown that his love of money is considerably more important than his care for his company’s loyal followers.
This ideology however can be found in many things in society however. For example, the acceptance of gay and lesbian ideas as a “life style choice”, the acceptance of pre-marital sex and the defiling of the concepts of marriage, life, right vs. wrong and so much more. It is now accepted to choose whatever you like, whatever your heart desires, no matter how twisted it could be. The reality is that sin is sin. Individuality has been transformed by society, into conformism. You're now allowed to do what you want, how you want to, as long as it is aligned with what society thinks. To think or even speak against homosexuality makes you a close minded freak. Speaking about morality and what is right, makes you wrong according to society. Speaking against abortion, fornication, adultery and drug use makes you an outcast.
With that said, anyone remember Sodom and Gomorrah? They were two cities that were destroyed with fire and brimstone because man had turned to their wicked desires and sinful ideas. So what now? We must turn, turn away from society’s view of individuality and turn to the TRUE individuality. Let the world call us outcasts and haters. Let the world push us out and away. I am an individual, entitled to my belief that God is real, alive and that what is wrong, no matter how appealing and how “accepted” and “normal” it is, is WRONG. I refuse to believe that homosexuality is something that people are born with. I refuse to believe that marriage is a union between anything but a man and a woman. I refuse to believe that ending the life of an unborn child is acceptable when it was a “mistake”. I refuse to believe that living for God makes me stupid or close minded. I refuse to conform to the “norms” of society that tells me that unless I conform to it, I am NOT an individual. I also refuse to believe that the Apple Ipod is the best MP3 player on the market.
Sure, this blog has gone a lot deeper than just a personal electronic item, but its message still stands. If siding with society is being an individual, with its tolerance for sin and it’s defiling of what is morally right and what NATURALY right is, then ill have no part of it. I am a member of the kingdom of heaven, a child of the living and only God, saved and able to come to hi, through and by Grace, which is attainable only by being washed in the blood of Christ, who gave his life, taking upon him the sin of the world.
I understand that maybe a lot of people will find a reason to be insulted or bothered by what I've written. However, I will ask that you realize for a moment that in the same way that freedom has been given to all to speak their thoughts and opinions, I also have that right and it will not be constrained by what is the opinion of others. You may love the Apple Ipod, but you’re allowed to! If you like them, then go ahead and use them, that’s your right, but don’t blast me for NOT liking them and instead liking a player of superior quality and lower price. The Ipod may be expensive, but so is living according to society, whose cost of living is rewarded by eternal damnation. However, living according to God and abiding by the laws of his kingdom, a relatively small price to pay, is rewarded by an eternity in heaven and that’s without mentioning the benefits here on earth of peace in the midst of turmoil, endless supply of our needs and joy in the midst of the toughest of situations.
With that said, would you rather be a false individual who follows the norms or this society? Or would you rather be an individual from society and life according to what is morally right and just by living for God? Just like buying a truly better MP3 player, the price is SWEET and the reward… Eternally GREAT.
So… what will YOU choose?
- EliW