Pouring Out...
So we had our Pouring Out Service last night and I gotta say that it was a pretty amazing night. First time in a while where the service ends as late as it did and yet, no one seemed to want to leave! We had great stories told, testimonies of people once held down, now free. People who grew up in the worst of times and now live past those things.
Stories of people who were once on the ...
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Saturday, May 12, 2012
Pouring Out...So we had our Pouring Out Service last night and I gotta say that it was a pretty amazing night. First time in a while where the service ends as late as it did and yet, no one seemed to want to leave! We had great stories told, testimonies of people once held down, now free. People who grew up in the worst of times and now live past those things.Stories of people who were once on the ...Expand this post »
Monday, May 7, 2012
There are so many within the body of Christ who remain stem cells for too long, floating around within the area of the body that they are to function in but never transforming into what their purpose is...
Here is the secret... Jesus and the Father are 2 separate people, but were so united in will and purpose that they were 1. When was the last time your will was so surrendered to God that you could say you were one with the father? When was the last time you spent more than a day (being generous) speaking how Jesus spoke, walking like he walked, touching lives like he did?
Jesus walked where the Father led, he spoke what the Father spoke. What else COULD he have?! HE was the Word of God, stripped of heavenly Glory and placed in a human body! He still remained the Word and because that Word was his spiritual identity, Jesus spoke what the father did.
Jesus knew his purpose because his purpose was that of the Father's will.
I'm certainly not perfect and before i speak a word God places in me, I take it unto myself and ya know what? I fail PLENTY at plenty too much, but the Word of God is transformative and renewing, nutritive and empowering. The trick isn't to simply hear it, but to listen to it, take it in, write it upon the tablet of your heart and be changed, renewed, transformed, made new and empowered to not JUST KNOW your God's purpose for you life, but to know AND BECOME that which is God's will, destiny, plan and purpose for your life...
Walk how Jesus walked, speak what Jesus spoke. The words of the King and the walk of the King...
If we follow ANYTHING but Jesus, his message of the kingdom, his purpose and life, his mission that he gave us, if we follow ANYTHING but Christ... We have failed as christians.
Jesus did as the father did and as the father instructed. He spoke, walked, prayed and prophesied the KINGDOM. When asked how to pray, his reply was "FATHER who art in heaven, hollowed be thy name, thy KINGDOM come, thy WILL be done on earth as it is in heaven..." EVERYTHING ELSE comes AFTER we enter, seek and LIVE the Kingdom.
If your will is dominant, if your plans are dominant, if your expectations and hopes in yourself or in ANYTHING else is dominant over the will of the kingdom of God, you will be a spectator of when the Glory of God begins to invade the earth as it has begun to do in these time... You will be an watcher, a spectator, a listener... you will watch, when the will of the Father is that you NOT be a watcher, but a participator. Not a spectator, but one who will EXPERIENCE.
Seek the Kingdom. Live the Kingdom. Align with the kingdom and you will be not of those who will SEEK the Glory, but of those who will take part of, be transformed, elevated, filled, saturated, and LIVE the Glory of God...
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