Thursday, June 11, 2009

Nitro coaster…

Nitro is still one of the best and to me THE best coaster at Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey. Its rises and dips are gut wrenching and the initial climb hill is massive. As you guessed it, I recently rode Nitro and have something a lil deeper to say about it =)

Roller coasters are amazing pieces of machinery. They are invigorating, scary, suspenseful and crazy fun. No matter how many times you get on the same coaster though, if the ride is nicely designed, its fun every single time you ride it. The climb of the ride scary, the speed tantalizing and the view at the top is incredible. So why am I writing about Nitro and other coasters in general? Here is why…

There is a coaster that we must get on in life. Sure you can go to the amusement park and walk around, eating candy, scared to get on anything and getting full on stuff and eventually leaving the park having paid the $50 ticket without reaping any of the benefits, or you can ACTUALLY experience the Great Adventure. You can go and get on the lines of the great rides that take you up and down, but always leave you with a sense of satisfaction at the end. Yea it takes some time waiting on line before you can get on, but you take that time to look at the height of the coasters hill. As you get closer and closer to the ride, your heart speeds up, your excitement level rises and you can’t help but get completely excited at the ride as you hear the people getting on who are screaming of excitement.

The moment comes when you sit in that seat and you find yourself climbing that hill. You're looking all around at the awesomeness that it is, after paying the price of admission and waiting on a line that seemed to take forever under the afternoon sun. Then you get to the top of the hill and the ride begins. It pulls you side to side, takes you up and down, twists you around and when it comes to the end, you realize that waiting on line was worth the wait. Here’s the funny thing…

Nitro has always been the same ride. The rises and drops have never changed, the distance it travels has always remained the same and yet every time you get on, you feel the same excitement and thrill that you felt last time you got on. The same goes for the plans that God has for each one of us. You see, Gods plan never changes in outcome. His plan is to excite us and prosper us in joy, peace and happiness. His plan is set upon his guided track that will never throw you off in a way it’s not meant to. His plan is always on track. The only things that matter are whether you decide to go, pay the price and wait for your time to come for that great adventure to begin or will you stay off the lines, simply having paid the price of admission, but not paid the price of preparing for any of the plans God has for you.

Here is something else… You can pay the price and be in the park or get on the rides and end up going home at the end, or you can do what many people do long the way in their Christian walk. The get on the ride, but refuse to abide by the laws governing the ride. The employees tell you exactly what you need to do when you sit on the ride. “Pull the harness all the way down to secure yourself in the seat”. You can choose to listen and be secure in your seat, or you can sit in the seat anyway you want, without properly securing yourself, thinking you can make it through without following all the rules. The end result is that you DON’T go home in the end. You get to the top of that hill and when the ride pulls at your body, your lack of having put God’s directions inside and over you cause you to be thrown from the ride, off the tracks and you end up, having had a promise of a great adventure, on the ground either dead or close to it.

People, we must pay the price at the gate, leaving behind anything that may make it difficult to get on God’s amazing plans. We must pay the price of preparing and waiting upon God for the right time. We must have God’s rules and words within us and upon us so we can be secure in every part of his awesome plan. We must not be content with simply paying the admission; we must go there and experience God’s GREAT Adventure.

Be blessed!
