Nowadays, there are many methods by which to connect to the world around us. In the area of the internet, there are many types of connection services. The two generalized ways are the now non preferred method of dial up service and the now considerably better broad band type service. My question to you is: what type of connection do you use to communicate with God?
There is the antiquated dial up service. It’s the method of communicating to and with God on a need basis. When you need to connect or want to, you must initiate the call because it’s not an “always on” type connection. The only connection to God occurs when you find the need to connect in order to try to find what you need to download. The service is slow however, because the connections bandwidth is limited.
The better connection is the broadband connection. With broadband, it’s a connection that is always live. It never goes down, unless there is some kind of disruption of the line. For the most part however, with broadband, when you need to go online, BOOM, you’re on! Here is the thing though, with broadband, the connection is always on. When an update has to come in from God, it’s connected and automatically updates. When your spirit needs to send a message to the heavens, it sends it without waiting. When a new “God cast” or message from God needs to update, boom, the download comes in without a second though. When you need to search for an answer or a need of any kind, the service is fast and your download gets sent immediately.
So the question I pose to you is; what connection are you paying the price for? Are you paying the minimum price and using the “when YOU want to” dial up service, or are you paying the price for the “always live”, “always on” broadband connection to God? Are you doing what must be done in order to have a quick response from God for questions? Are you using that connection to send positive reviews of praise and worship for the great connection, or are you passing on praise and worship reviews because your dial up is too slow to both ask for downloads AND keep a reviews page up at the same time?
I pose these questions to you today, as I have been posing to myself in the last few days. Are we willing to pay the price for a broadband connection to God? Or are we paying the bare minimum for the slow, tedious dial up service?
I don’t know about you, but I want me some always on, always live, fast downloading, quick response, uninterruptable connection to the very heart of God.
What will YOU choose?