Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What kind of connection do YOU have?

Nowadays, there are many methods by which to connect to the world around us. In the area of the internet, there are many types of connection services. The two generalized ways are the now non preferred method of dial up service and the now considerably better broad band type service. My question to you is: what type of connection do you use to communicate with God?

There is the antiquated dial up service. It’s the method of communicating to and with God on a need basis. When you need to connect or want to, you must initiate the call because it’s not an “always on” type connection. The only connection to God occurs when you find the need to connect in order to try to find what you need to download. The service is slow however, because the connections bandwidth is limited.

The better connection is the broadband connection. With broadband, it’s a connection that is always live. It never goes down, unless there is some kind of disruption of the line. For the most part however, with broadband, when you need to go online, BOOM, you’re on! Here is the thing though, with broadband, the connection is always on. When an update has to come in from God, it’s connected and automatically updates. When your spirit needs to send a message to the heavens, it sends it without waiting. When a new “God cast” or message from God needs to update, boom, the download comes in without a second though. When you need to search for an answer or a need of any kind, the service is fast and your download gets sent immediately.

So the question I pose to you is; what connection are you paying the price for? Are you paying the minimum price and using the “when YOU want to” dial up service, or are you paying the price for the “always live”, “always on” broadband connection to God? Are you doing what must be done in order to have a quick response from God for questions? Are you using that connection to send positive reviews of praise and worship for the great connection, or are you passing on praise and worship reviews because your dial up is too slow to both ask for downloads AND keep a reviews page up at the same time?

I pose these questions to you today, as I have been posing to myself in the last few days. Are we willing to pay the price for a broadband connection to God? Or are we paying the bare minimum for the slow, tedious dial up service?

I don’t know about you, but I want me some always on, always live, fast downloading, quick response, uninterruptable connection to the very heart of God.

What will YOU choose?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Hanging on by a thread…

            I've come to see and realize so many things in such a little bit of time. I've been able to see that sometimes life leaves you literally hanging by a single thread, a single reason or the very last bit of a purpose that we have been given.

            This world has a way of pushing people to their limits. It tries to sway our minds and a belief towards what IT says is right and what it believes is ok. The reality is that we live in a world that call bad what is good and call good all the things that are wrong. It’s not to say that we can all be perfect as we, as humans, are capable of failure, but we are also capable of amazing strengths, even when we are pushed to the edge and to the very last threads of our beliefs.

            We must be the people of God, the children of God that we are called to be. We must stand tall in the midst of the mixing of morality and immorality that this world loves to do. We must place our hearts and beliefs in him who created us and set us upon this earth to live for him. God formed us with his very hands and from his lungs breathed life into us. He took us from the clay and gave us life!

            Should we side with this world and fall into conformation and remain only barely holding on to our beliefs, passively, by one last thread? Or should stand for the one who formed us, gave us life, set the universe into motion with just his words and the one who shed the blood of his son to wash away the sin past, present and future of man? Will we also idly stand by as the world attempts to disregard and make common the things that God has called abomination?

            We must stand and fight. People, we MUST stand and fight, not letting down and not letting ANYTHING get by us. We must stand and fight against the plans of the enemy, to reinstate Gods plans in our lives, communities, family and the world. We MUST stand and do what we have been called to do and one of those things is to live in holiness. If we serve The Holy God, then we must ALSO live holy lives. We will make mistakes and all, but if we stand firm upon the rock of our salvation, repent and turn away from sin and live for God and God alone, then we can experience the holiness that God requires of his children.

            Friends, we must stand and fight for what we not only believe is right, but what we know is right because it was spoken through the very lips of the living God.


I’ll leave it up to here. I pray many blessings over you and pray that God illuminate the path ahead and help you up when you stumble or fall. Be BLESSED!



Tuesday, May 5, 2009


You made me, formed me and breathed life into me,

You gave me life, strength and purpose.

I was an earthen vessel, perfect and unique, blameless but for the sin born into me.

For man had sinned and upon his heirs, laid the burden of disobedience and death.

You gave us law, seemingly impossible, but ultimately righteous,

A code that if followed would certify us and yet leave us hollow.

But your plan was amazing, the redemption of creation,

To give unto us a perfect blood, blameless and sinless

Completing and astounding, penetrating and healing

The life of your son given, his perfection forsaken,

To the depths he descended, to the destroy the hinges,

The gates of hell obliterated, the keys of life retaken

For I once was born, deposited into this world,

Its stains entered and upon me, decaying the great creation

But your blood it did rebirth me,

Cleansing and rejuvenating, refreshing and never ending

Poured out over me, my sins are sunken,

Hidden beneath the tides, but your love now fills me

Where once there was death, now there is life,

Where once perfection was forsaken, now redemption and salvation

Is the key to your presence, where now I can sing a song never written

The song of emancipation, liberation and deliverance.

For once I was born unto death, now I am restored,

I am alive,