Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How did we get here?

How did we get here?

Where God is shoved out of every aspect of society simply because of those who don’t believe?

Where children die by their own hand because of bullies overflowing with hate and bias?

Where a person is looked at as crazy simply for standing up for what they believe in?

Where laws of nature, implemented by God, are ignored with the end of creating a barren society?

Where 1000 people can’t pray to God because 1 person doesn’t believe in God?

Where loss of finances is reason to end the lives of an entire family by the hand of one of their own?

Where people die of cancer because the medication is too expensive for them to pay?

Where a country founded upon the laws and principles of the Bible is notable for its immorality?

Where people worship money as god instead of worshiping God who owns all the money?

Where we invade Iraq, who wants us out, while we ignore Darfur, who is begging for help?

Where pursuing happiness is the opposite of morality?

Where speaking the truth about sin makes you a crazy fanatic?

Where you can celebrate satanic Halloween in schools, but can’t put up a Nativity scene or say Jesus in school?


God calls us the light of the world…


Its time to shine. We MUST shine. We MUST.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Thoughts of the Friday kind =)


True love is patient & kind,

Comes with no pressure & gives none,

It’s completing & increasing,

Unrelenting & never ceasing,

It’s powerful & intriguing,

Careful & weary,

It’s amazing & exciting,

Seductive & enchanting,

Wonderful & endearing,

Cheerful & smiley,

It’s blushing & quivering,

Goosebumps & hair raising


Got more to add? Comment below!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How individuality got confused with conformism…

Lots of people seem to get annoyed and bothered while others enjoy a good laugh when I go all “anti apple” and “anti Ipod”. Truth is, I AM anti apple and anti Ipod. The debate of why I'm anti apple does go deeper than JUST that company and its products. It’s a general ideology that involves a whole lot than just a crappy MP3 player or an overpriced line of computers.

In the society we live in, we are constantly hammered and badgered by ideas of individuality and uniqueness. These ideas stem from political views to religious views and even as far as what people wear. The thought and idea that everyone can be who they are and can live how they want, are a fundamental ideology that is and has been pushed very hard into mainstream media, fashion and even religious views.

Here is where the problem lies. All these ideas being pushed forward by society have simply led not to individuality, but conformism. For example, let’s take a look at one of the major “fashion” and personal electronics fads, the Ipod. The Ipod is a portable media device. They can play music of varying formats, videos, pictures and on some models, can even surf the web. It however wasn’t the first MP3 player, and it is very far from being the best.

I don’t have an idea of how many MP3 players are on the market, but I know that the one that has the most market grab is the Ipod. The Ipod is of such prevalence, that it has become synonymous with the MP3 player. Here are the facts however. The Ipod is an MP3 player of significantly low specs. Its one of the worst sounding MP3 players on the market, only recently intergraded FM radio, has forever been tied down by such things as digital rights management of tracks bought by the user, has a history of significant battery issues and doesn’t even have the customizability of most MP3 players.

What the Ipod HAS had is a large amount of advertising by its parent company. Its commercials are attention grabbing and seem to always point out every single benefit of owning one, except for the fact that all the reasons to buy one, have nothing to do with it actually being a good MP3 player. In fact, the standard Ipod headphones are one of the worst sounding on the market. In most tech circles, it’s a known fact that if you still use the regular, white apple ear buds, you are at a massive loss because they truly are the worst ear buds to come with a high cost device. I’ll give an example. My Creative Zen X-Fi MP3 player came with a pair of sound isolating $40 ear buds. A pair of ear buds that would be able to give the listening a true feeling of the enhanced sound capabilities that player has. People however STILL buy Ipods, even though in reality, they aren’t worth half of what they cost! In fact, as a final blow to the Ipod, they recently showed off the new Ipod shuffle, a little player whose buttons are on the headphones. Apple charges $79 for it when it ONLY costs apple $23 to manufacture!

It’s a logical process and idea that companies tend to go for getting as much money from consumers as possible as apposed to consumer loyalty, and so I'm not surprised to see that apple has not a single care for any of its customers. In an interview once done with Steve Jobs, the co founder and CEO of Apple, when asked about why Apple comes out with a new Ipod line every few months, his response was “if people want the current technology, then they just have to spend money and buy the newest we offer”. Sadly, for someone who has been an innovator and a pioneer in technology and computing, Steve Jobs has shown that his love of money is considerably more important than his care for his company’s loyal followers.

This ideology however can be found in many things in society however. For example, the acceptance of gay and lesbian ideas as a “life style choice”, the acceptance of pre-marital sex and the defiling of the concepts of marriage, life, right vs. wrong and so much more. It is now accepted to choose whatever you like, whatever your heart desires, no matter how twisted it could be. The reality is that sin is sin. Individuality has been transformed by society, into conformism. You're now allowed to do what you want, how you want to, as long as it is aligned with what society thinks. To think or even speak against homosexuality makes you a close minded freak. Speaking about morality and what is right, makes you wrong according to society. Speaking against abortion, fornication, adultery and drug use makes you an outcast.

People, conformism is NOT individuality! Siding with the false individuality of society is simply siding to say that what is right is wrong! Individuality is about being able to express your thoughts and your feelings without being outcasted by anyone who thinks different. Recently, a minister was blasted on for “hating gays and lesbians”. The person, an openly gay “minister”, could not understand the other minister’s belief, which was “I don’t hate gays and lesbians. I love them and so does God, but I cannot and God does not turn a blind eye to the sin and abomination of his creation that is homosexuality”. You see, the gay minister stated “Jesus didn’t say anything about homosexuality” but he DID say “Don’t suppose for a minute that I have come to demolish the scriptures – either Gods law or the prophets. I'm not here to demolish but to complete. I am going to put it all together, pull it all together in a vast panorama. God’s law is more real and lasting than the stars in the sky and the ground at your feet. Long after the stars burn out and the earth wears out, God’s law will be alive and working” Matthew 5:17 (quoted from “The Message” version)

With that said, anyone remember Sodom and Gomorrah? They were two cities that were destroyed with fire and brimstone because man had turned to their wicked desires and sinful ideas. So what now? We must turn, turn away from society’s view of individuality and turn to the TRUE individuality. Let the world call us outcasts and haters. Let the world push us out and away. I am an individual, entitled to my belief that God is real, alive and that what is wrong, no matter how appealing and how “accepted” and “normal” it is, is WRONG. I refuse to believe that homosexuality is something that people are born with. I refuse to believe that marriage is a union between anything but a man and a woman. I refuse to believe that ending the life of an unborn child is acceptable when it was a “mistake”. I refuse to believe that living for God makes me stupid or close minded. I refuse to conform to the “norms” of society that tells me that unless I conform to it, I am NOT an individual. I also refuse to believe that the Apple Ipod is the best MP3 player on the market.

Sure, this blog has gone a lot deeper than just a personal electronic item, but its message still stands. If siding with society is being an individual, with its tolerance for sin and it’s defiling of what is morally right and what NATURALY right is, then ill have no part of it. I am a member of the kingdom of heaven, a child of the living and only God, saved and able to come to hi, through and by Grace, which is attainable only by being washed in the blood of Christ, who gave his life, taking upon him the sin of the world.

I understand that maybe a lot of people will find a reason to be insulted or bothered by what I've written. However, I will ask that you realize for a moment that in the same way that freedom has been given to all to speak their thoughts and opinions, I also have that right and it will not be constrained by what is the opinion of others. You may love the Apple Ipod, but you’re allowed to! If you like them, then go ahead and use them, that’s your right, but don’t blast me for NOT liking them and instead liking a player of superior quality and lower price. The Ipod may be expensive, but so is living according to society, whose cost of living is rewarded by eternal damnation. However, living according to God and abiding by the laws of his kingdom, a relatively small price to pay, is rewarded by an eternity in heaven and that’s without mentioning the benefits here on earth of peace in the midst of turmoil, endless supply of our needs and joy in the midst of the toughest of situations.

With that said, would you rather be a false individual who follows the norms or this society? Or would you rather be an individual from society and life according to what is morally right and just by living for God? Just like buying a truly better MP3 player, the price is SWEET and the reward… Eternally GREAT.

So… what will YOU choose?

- EliW

Monday, April 20, 2009

Chronicles of a modern day Levite

Volume 1; Issue 3


Overcoming our vision, in order to see what God wants us to see


            How difficult it is in this world and in these times to focus our vision on what we must truly focus on, not what we see, but what God wants us to see.

            We live in a time where I have found that when its time to go to church, it’s like a safe haven from the turmoil of the world and the strife of the daily life. As much of a haven as church can be, once in that haven, there are other things that must be overcome. We must overcome the things that latch on from the world, but also, we must overcome our own emotional issues, social issues and we must clear ourselves of the things that could interfere with our ability to worship and give our BEST to God.

            While sometimes it is and will be easier than other times to get into worship, we must look at that time of worship as a time to put all those things aside in order to give God what he deserves. The reason is because God wants us to spend the worship time focusing on what he wants us to see as apposed to what we see in this natural world. God wants us to see HIS prosperity for us in health, family, love, joy and even financially, instead of seeing sickness, worry, financial collapse, family breakdown and the roaring immorality of this world. God wants us to trust in him. He wants us to not just worship him, but also BELIEVE all the aspects of that worship. He IS mighty, he IS powerful, he IS the one who provides for our needs! Not simply the financial needs, but our need for love, joy, health, family, friendships, strength, food and LIFE!

            The times we live in purpose in themselves to deteriorate our trust in God and try to obscure our vision so as to see nothing but the mountain. God, on the other hand, simply wants us to see, through him, that the top of that mountain is much a worship breakthrough away. The mountains are NOTHING, when you look at them flattened by the very words of the one who will NEVER take you through a path that he has not prepared you with strength, joy and anointing, to get through.

            Take that time of worship and use it to refocus and clear your spiritual vision to see that NOTHING in this world can separate you from Gods love, which is the source of every single thing that he has done. From the foundations of the universe, to when he left his fingerprints on you after weaving you together, he has done it all out of love, love that the world will never know…


Be blessed and check back again this coming Friday for yet another Chronicle of a modern day Levite…





Friday, April 17, 2009

Chronicles of a modern day Levite

Volume 1; Issue 2


The week goes by, but the worship never ends.


            Ask almost any person in a church and they will usually respond with the same answer. What is praise and worship? Most will answer “when we are singing in church on Sundays and Fridays”. The sad truth is that this is an unfortunate belief and the scope of what worship is for most Christians. It is sad and regrettable since the very creation of man was for the PURPOSE of worshiping the creator of heaven and earth.

            Many see the musicians and worship leaders in churches as just musicians and worship leaders. They are the ones given charge of leading a congregation of a group of people into worship at church. Is worship just a few songs that lead the way into the word to be preached? The answer to that, if you ask a true worship leader is “no!” I say “true” worship leader because I mean those who live according to what it is that they do. I don’t mean the ones in church that are, for lack of better or preparation, are thrown into leading a few, hurried songs to get that time over with.

            Like I stated above, any true worship leader’s answer to that question would be a straight NO. You see, when you begin to take the position of “worship leader” seriously, that is when you begin to learn something that ALL Christians should know, understand and comprehend. The reality is that worship is not a few songs, a few hallelujahs and a couple of moments of chills and goose bumps. Worship, as it was first conceived by God, was a way of LIFE.

            As a Levite, those who live to worship God, I have learned that singing songs and playing an instrument is but a microscopic part of worship. It’s not about nice songs, or nice instrument solos or the like, but rather a way of life. Worship is about living so as to make every moment, every action and every movement, something that will give glory to God. Worship is about lifting God up at every moment of every day. Worship is about giving glory to God through the storms of the week, through the struggles of the days and the trials of the night. Worship is about doing EVERYTHING in a fashion that will undoubtedly give glory to God.

            That doesn’t mean that we (Levites) don’t make mistakes, but we are called to be separated and to live not FOR worship, but IN worship. Every new week and every new day brings a new trial and a new struggle, but through it all, our lives must be worship to God. Heck, just standing in the midst of adversity can be worship. Standing tall and against sin, overcoming the enemies plan and surviving the attacks of this world can be worship, if we live IN it.

            Levites of old, who serviced in the temple, were a separated people. They lived, ate, drank and even bathed “temple”. Their lives were, by inheritance, focused entirely on the life of worship and service to God. They were the ones who handled the worship for the people and led the people into worship. Sure, now a days, we need NOT a mediator to reach to God other than Christ and the Holy Spirit since the veil of the Holy of Holies was torn when Jesus died, but the desire and mission of the modern day Levites should and MUST remain the same as those of old. Again I say, we aren’t perfect, but we can all, “Levite” or not, LIVE in worship to God.

            We must put away the concept of being a Christian when we are at church and we must begin to lead our lives in worship. We must all be Levites unto the Lord, living in worship and service to the one who created us with his very finger tips, in his image and likeness and who breathed life into us. We must live separate from this world while still in it. We must live in worship. We MUST live in worship.


In the next issue, overcoming our vision, in order to see what God wants us to see…



Monday, April 13, 2009

Chronicles of a modern day Levite

Volume 1; Issue 1


A special Sunday, a united purpose.


            They are all there, some talking, others praying, still others simply waiting to begin. We are preparing, united in the back hall, talking quickly, reminding each other of what we are about to do, putting aside the things that may be bogging our minds and hearts and getting ready to pray.

            Any and all conflicts amongst us are put aside; all annoyances outside of us are put aside as we clasp hands to pray simply to ask God to use us to lead the congregation into worship. We pray that God have his will, that he move in the midst of the hearts and all those who are there. We can here the service beginning as we reach the end of our prayer, ending with thanking God for the drummer, the violinist, the guitarist and the keyboardist, thanking God for giving us the gifts and talents that he has given us.

            We head back to the sanctuary, take our positions at our instruments and begin to play. The mood is one of rejoicing and celebration as the day happens to be Easter or to some, resurrection day. Panning from right to left over the congregation, I see familiar faces and some unknown to me, but in the faces I can see such a range of feelings. Feelings ranging from stressed to blessed and knowing it, upset, peace, anger and love. As I become aware of it all, I simply think “God, move in this place, change the hearts, allow us to be your instruments”.

            The music begins, the praise and worship begins. The music just begins to flow, the lyrics flow through and immediately, the atmosphere is transformed. The songs, ranging from English to Spanish, combine as one big praise and worship. In the midst of the whole time, you can see the enthusiasm of the people and also the change taking place because of the change of atmosphere. The atmosphere becomes so thick with Gods presence to the point of being able to hear the voices of angels as they begin to sing along and you can feel the energy in the air as the praises and worship goes up and Gods presence comes down.

            The session comes to a close, with the ambience so full of God’s presence. We slowly trail the music off and put our instruments down. The stress of the moment is over and we are ready to sit and receive God’s word. What began with a list of possibly difficult drum beats, reminders to be aware of each other and the constant need to stay focused on that we are there to lift God’s name up, ended with the feeling of having overcome all the atmospheric opposition and all our own personal stumbling blocks and got to feel God’s amazing presence.

            That Sunday may have started with some stress and worries, but it ended with victory and blessing. Nothing stood in our way and we marched forward with the very purpose that drives us; we are Levites, separated and devoted to worshipping God.


In the next issue, the week goes by, but the worship never ends…



Thursday, April 9, 2009

Writings of the Wednesday kind…

So I awoke this morning and upon waking, I noticed that though I felt like I had gotten enough rest, I still felt sluggish. In fact, throughout the entire subway ride home, I fought hard as heck to keep my eyes open EVEN THOUGH I was standing up. Crazy as it may have been though, I DID notice something spectacular.

As I was standing there, I didn’t put a thought to the fact that it was considerably cloudy outside. What I did notice though was when the sunlight broke through the cloud cover and just illuminated everything. It reminded me of how sometimes the clouds from the storms that come into our lives can bring us to a state where we just assume the clouds are always there. We become so complacent with the cloud covers darkness, that we just look at it as a given, or as just a general fact of life.

The truth is that YES, storms are part of life, however we must NEVER forget the fact that though the clouds are there, the illumination of God, his pure light is what we have to focus on, ask for and sometimes even plead for to come and BREAK THROUGH those clouds. We cannot walk through life assuming that the cloud cover is just a fact. We MUST walk through life KNOWING, TRUSTING and believing that the sun’s light WILL break through the clouds and darkness. We must live WANTING God’s light to break through and illuminate, making the clouds darkness flee.

We must accept the fact that we live in this world. We must however realize and know that as children of God, followers of his ways, saved by grace and washed in the blood of Christ, we must live, not accepting the darkness that is around us, but accepting nothing LESS than living so the darkness would have NO PLACE in our lives. Striving for God’s light of truth to not only shine INTO us, but also reflect from us so as to be the light of the world that Jesus Christ said we are in Matthew 5:14-16 “Here’s another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand, SHINE! Keep open house; be generous with your lives, by opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up to God, this generous father in heaven”

We must step out of the darkness and NOT accept it, but instead ACCEPT that God’s light in us is what SHOULD be the standard upon which our lives are founded. We must do this, not just for ourselves so we could live completely guided by the unfailing and never wrong illumination of God’s light, but also because we must be the ones who reflect God’s light into the lives of others, illuminating their path so they could also seek to follow that same light.

Dear reader, we are the light of the world, but we must FIRST be illuminated ourselves so we could be placed upon God’s hill, where we will reflect his light of salvation into this world of darkness. STRIVE to allow God’s light to completely illuminate your life. Accept NOT the darkness and make God’s light the foundation of your life.

Be blessed and be illuminated...
